More Brains Than Budget? Steal These $0 Marketing Strategies.

Ten years ago, Chris Dingman launched his company on the flimsiest of grounds. It’s called The Dingman Group, and it relocates professional athletes — so, say, if a guy is traded from the Miami Heat to the Cleveland Cavaliers, The Dingman Group would arrange to sell the house in Miami, pack it up, move the stuff and find a new home in Cleveland. It’s a clever, one-of-a-kind service, but there was a hitch: The “Group” was just Dingman, and he had no experience in real estate or professional sports. Also, he was damn near broke — and it took him almost a year and a half to find his first client. “It was gnarly,” he says. “No matter how much you’re struggling as an entrepreneur, you have to put a face on.”

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Warren Buffett Tells You How to Turn $40 Into $10 Million

By Patrick Morris

Warren Buffett is perhaps the greatest investor of all time, and he has a simple solution that could help an individual turn $40 into $10 million.

A few years ago, Berkshire Hathaway CEO and Chairman Warren Buffett spoke about one of his favorite companies, Coca-Cola, and how after dividends, stock splits, and patient reinvestment, someone who bought just $40 worth of the company’s stock when it went public in 1919 would now have more than $5 million.

Source: Coca-Cola.

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Re-Evaluating The Perception of Success

My whole life my family and friends all told me that if I focused on financial security then I’d be able to live ‘comfortably’. By comfortably I mean being able to afford a typical house, to send my children off to a good college, to drive a descent car and to occasionally enjoy a nice meal out. For the most part, ‘living comfortably’ means to live an average lifestyle with little worry about going broke.

Well, as we advance more and more into the digital age, we are finding that our collective mission isn’t to ‘live comfortably’. That is not enough anymore. We want much more than an moderate level of comfort. We now aspire for financial freedom over financial security.

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Warren Buffets 10 Ways to Get Rich

With an estimated fortune of $62 billion, Warren Buffett is the richest man in the entire world. In 1962, when he began buying stock in Berkshire Hathaway, a share cost $7.50. Today, Warren Buffett, 78, is Berkshire’s chairman and CEO, and one share of the company’s class A stock worth close to $119,000. He credits his astonishing success to several key strategies, which he has shared with writer Alice Schroeder. She spend hundreds of hours interviewing the Sage of Omaha for the new authorized biography The Snowball. Here are some of Warren Buffett’s money-making secrets — and how they could work for you.

1. Reinvest Your Profits: When you first make money, you may be tempted to spend it. Don’t. Instead, reinvest the profits. Warren Buffett learned this early on. In high school, he and a pal bought a pinball machine to pun in a barbershop. With the money they earned, they bought more machines until they had eight in different shops. When the friends sold the venture, Warren Buffett used the proceeds to buy stocks and to start another small business. By age 26, he’d amassed $174,000 — or $1.4 million in today’s money. Even a small sum can turn into great wealth.
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12 Steps to Become a Millionaire

A number of the people profiled in “Millionaires tell how they did it” made their millions as entrepreneurs. But working for the Man doesn’t mean you have to be a wage slave or resort to buying lottery tickets to strike it rich. The trick is to maximize your income on the job (and know when to move on), make the most of your employee benefits and tax breaks and use that extra money to start investing.

1. Keep your eyes peeled for better ways to do your job. Streamline a procedure, shave costs, create a new profit center, become an expert on a specific topic, volunteer for a company committee — anything that will make you stand out as a prime candidate for a promotion or a pay boost.

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Copy Writing For The Web: 6 Facts That Will Help You Write Web Copy that Sells

Do you buy your products and services from a trusted source? These 6 facts will help you build a better online brand and forge effective marketing connections.Do you buy your products and services from a trusted source? These 6 facts will help you build a better online brand and forge effective marketing connections.

Think about where you buy your groceries, your clothing and your electronics. Do you trust these stores, these brands and these products?

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Free Search Engine Marketing & Optimization Tips – How to Get Free, Good Quality Links to Your Site

If you know anything about search engine optimization (SEO), you know that building links to your siteIf you know anything about search engine optimization (SEO), you know that building links to your site (more commonly referred to as backlinks) is probably the most import piece of the puzzle. The question then for most newcomers to SEO is: “How to I get other sites to link to my site?”

In this article, Im going to show you 10 of the most powerful techniques of getting links back to your site. Some of these techniques will cost you money. Others are totally free. Lets get into it!

  1. Submit Your Site to Web Directories – There are literally thousands of web directories online that will allow you to submit your site. Some will charge a fee, but most are free.

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3 Things Wealthy People Know That You Don’t

Have you ever wondered why the rich keep getting richer generation after generation? The main reason behind this is that they probably have some information that other people don’t. They say that 0.0001% of the world’s population controls 99% of the world’s wealth. Apparently if all that wealth were distributed equally amongst every living person, within 15 years it will have filtered back to the 0.0001%.

So what is it about the small percentage that makes them very special? Let us look at 3 things wealthy people know that keep                                                                                    them accumulating more wealth:

1. You do not need money to make money

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Becoming a Millionaire – 7 Habits of the Millionaires

Who doesn’t want to become a millionaire and have loads of money to spend? Being a millionaire is like being on top of the world and getting everything you want. Who wouldn’t want that kind of life? Becoming a Millionaire is easy, really easy. Don’t you realize that the millionaires we have today usually come from poor families and look at them now! They are millionaires and their heads are touching the clouds because of how rich they are.

There are 7 habits to becoming a millionaire. The first one is their drive, the drive to achieve their goals. It’s like you won’t accept a no because you will always find a way to make it a yes. This drive has helped a lot of people to become millionaires. The drive is like the burning desire in your heart that you cannot afford to lose and it will only go away when that desire is achieved.

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